Биметаллические прокатные валки
Композитные (биметаллические) валки.
NKMZ in cooperation with Paton Electric Welding Institute have constructed a fundamentally new equipment which realizes the process of production of new generation rolls-double-layer rolls with the operating layer of high-speed steel or high-chromium iron. The rolls are manufactured with the method of electroslag facing the operating surface layer with hot metal.
By estimation of specialists from the leading machine-building companies and iron and steel works, the use of compound rolls is one of the main trends in the field of iron and steel industry development since they have a substantially longer service life and provide manufacture of high-quality rolled products.
NKMZ in cooperation with Paton Electric Welding Institute have constructed a fundamentally new equipment which realizes the process of production of new generation rolls-double-layer rolls with the operating layer of high-speed steel or high-chromium iron. The rolls are manufactured with the method of electroslag facing the operating surface layer with hot metal.
By estimation of specialists from the leading machine-building companies and iron and steel works, the use of compound rolls is one of the main trends in the field of iron and steel industry development since they have a substantially longer service life and provide manufacture of high-quality rolled products.
Сообщение автору объявления
Регионы: Украина
Категория: Другое
Вейнов Андрей Маркович
Отправлено: 12.08.2007 10:35
Число просмотров: сегодня: 1, всего: 103
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Адрес объявления: https://ukr.metaltorg.ru/Drugoe/Bimetallicheskie-prokatnye-valki_239_151425.html
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